
Yunyang Sifangjing Service Building

  • 状态已建成 / 2015-2018
  • 类型公共建筑 / 文化
  • 城市重庆市云阳县
  • 面积8,013m2
  • 奖项2019 深圳建筑设计奖 一等奖
Architecture from Pengxi River
从澎溪河上看建筑Architecture from Pengxi River







Architecture from the North of the Site
从基地北侧看建筑Architecture from the North of the Site
Overall Birdview
整体鸟瞰Overall Birdview
Concept Generation
四方井概念生成Concept Generation
Section Axonometric Projection
剖轴测Section Axonometric Projection
Exploded View
爆炸图Exploded View
Northwestern Birdview
西北向鸟瞰Northwestern Birdview
Northeastern Birdview
东北向鸟瞰Northeastern Birdview
Architecture from the Other Side of Pengxi River
从澎溪河对岸看建筑Architecture from the Other Side of Pengxi River
Architecture from Pengxi River
从澎溪河上看建筑Architecture from Pengxi River
Sifangjing Wharf Park
四方井码头公园Sifangjing Wharf Park
The Moon Hanging over the Illuminated Sifangjing Service Building
月亮悬挂在亮灯的四方井服务建筑之上The Moon Hanging over the Illuminated Sifangjing Service Building
Sifangjing Wharf Square
四方井码头广场Sifangjing Wharf Square
Architecture from the North of the Site
从基地北侧看建筑Architecture from the North of the Site
Architecture from the North of the Site (Evening)
从基地北侧看建筑(傍晚)Architecture from the North of the Site (Evening)
Dynamic Display of the Northwest Side of the Building
建筑西北侧动态展示Dynamic Display of the Northwest Side of the Building
the Entrance under the Roof
檐下的入口the Entrance under the Roof
the Entrance under the Roof (Evening)
檐下的入口(傍晚)the Entrance under the Roof (Evening)
the Sloping Roof Floats along the River
坡屋顶沿着江面漂浮展开the Sloping Roof Floats along the River
the Inner Courtyard of the Second Floor
二层内院the Inner Courtyard of the Second Floor
the Inner Courtyard of the Second Floor
二层内院the Inner Courtyard of the Second Floor
the Inner Courtyard of the Second Floor
二层内院the Inner Courtyard of the Second Floor
the Inner Courtyard of the Second Floor
二层内院the Inner Courtyard of the Second Floor
the Openning facing Pengxi River
面向澎溪河的开口the Openning facing Pengxi River
the Overhang Roof above the Pedestal
基座上挑出的屋檐the Overhang Roof above the Pedestal
Technical Drawings
技术图纸Technical Drawings